NOBAMA - the mythical unicorn, bigfoot, Lochness monster of the White Trash Tattoo world. Now I'm not one to share hillbilly ink that I haven't personally seen, just as a big game hunter doesn't tell stories about a different hunters adventures, but I have a friend that swares they saw this ink in the flesh and it's too good to pass up. A man actually had this tattooed on his arm. I bet his arm was so red you couldn't even see the "O" in the tat. Wearing a NOBAMA shirt is one thing, but can you imagine the amount of hatred or Dickle Whiskey it must take to have it permanently written on you. In thirty years, this redneck will be able to share his disgust with his grandchildren. Imagine your Papa rocking a sweat "Fuck Kennedy" tat. Some day my friends I will witness this awesome example of White Trashitude. Some day.